Sriraksha Vajapeyam


Sriraksha spearheads the real estate team of the firm. Sriraksha has over 15 years of experience and specialises in conducting title due diligence for various kinds of properties. She advices on matters relating to real estate transactions, local land laws, property documentation, stamp duty, registration and conveyancing. Her vast experience in real estate field has aided in providing solutions to complex property transactions.

Having expertise in several laws such as the Transfer of Property Act, Land Revenue and Land Reform Laws, Inam abolition laws, Land Ceiling Acts, Land Grant Rules, special legislations such as the Karnataka SC/ ST (PTCL) Acts, KIADB Act, BDA Act, BMRDA regulations and other zonal regulations and corporation bye laws, her opinions have helped clients in securing or conveying lands, free from any kind of title or revenue disputes. She has also advised various clients on zoning regulations, change of land uses, commercial, industrial and residential leases, formation of layouts, etc. She has advised varied nature of clients ranging from property developers, renewable energy companies, large parcel landowners to individual property owners and tenants.