Parikshit Singh


Parikshit has been practising in the courts at Jaipur for over 14 years on both original and appellate side. With a wide range of practice, Parikshit practices and undertakes work pertaining to Educational Laws, Medical Laws, criminal law, debt recovery laws, contractual and commercial laws. He has been the standing counsel for Elementary Education Department of Rajasthan; Ayurved, Unani, Homeopathic Department of Rajasthan; Home Department of Rajasthan, etc, at the Rajasthan High Court, at Jaipur. Parikshit regularly advises and appears in the Courts for Jaipur Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Ltd, Sri Karan Narendra Agricultural University, Maharshi Dayanand University of Ajmer, Mayo College at Ajmer, State Bank of India, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Law University, Rajasthan Finance Corporation and Bank of India. Parikshit also works extensively on media laws and regularly advices the Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd, amongst other media houses.

Parikshit regularly deals with and appears in disputes pertaining to Service Law, Banking laws including RDBFI and securitisation Acts, Civil and commercial laws, land revenue and reforms matters, money recovery suits, consumer matters, matrimonial disputes, arbitration, etc.

Parikshit also works in the real estate sector and has advised several clients, corporate and individuals, by giving title scrutiny or verification reports. Parikshit has assisted several clients by drafting various types of conveyance deeds and lease deeds. Parikshit heads the Jaipur branch of the Firm. He had earlier worked at Fox Mandal, at its Bangalore office.